Print, delivery, e-publishing, Errata

When files is ready to print


The thesis goes to print, when the proofreading is complete and files approved for printing, The paperwork regarding public defence must also be ready.


The books (120 copies + 2 spiral bindings) are delivered to the research administrator at the institution, unless otherwise stated. Information about delivery can be found on the order form that is submitted along with the files. The books are delivered in time for the posting.

E-publishing (DIVA)

We deliver the approved files to the library for e-publishing in DIVA. You will be contacted by the e-publication more information.


Should you discover errors in the finished books, an Errata sheet can be made. Contact us at if this is relevant. We can print the Errata sheet at short notice. It is important that the Errata also is sent to e-publishing and is registered in DIVA, we take care of this. Always notify us if Errata becomes relevant.