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For supervisors in sport science

If you are, or aspire to be, a supervisor for a doctoral student, this page will provide you with important and helpful information about the assignment.

For those who want to become supervisors

Each doctoral student must have at least two supervisors, one of which is appointed as the principal supervisor. The principal supervisor must have at least associate professor competence and be employed at Örebro University. At the Faculty of Medicine and Health, an unpaid associate professor in the medical science field with employment within the Region Örebro County and with an affiliation to Örebro University can also act as the principal supervisor. There is no corresponding requirement for assistant supervisors except they must have at least a doctoral degree.

At least one of the supervisors must have completed Örebro University's course "Supervising PhD students" or have the equivalent qualifications.

Everyone who is supervising doctoral students at the MH Faculty is required to the National web training “Research Ethics for Researchers in Medicine”. 

What does it entail to be a supervisor?

As a supervisor you should provide support and guidance, help the doctoral student plan their studies in the individual study plan (ISP) with annual follow-ups and aid the student’s ability to reach the goals for their education.

In addition, you are expected to:

  • Have a professional relationship between yourself as a supervisor and the doctoral student
  • Along with the doctoral student, show mutual respect for each other's situations and competencies
  • Regularly discuss and plan the structure and organisation of the supervision
  • Early clarify expectations both from you as a supervisor and from the doctoral student
  • Have an open dialogue to solve any problems that may arise as early as possible
  • Continuously review and provide feedback on manuscripts and related material
  • Support the choice and application of research methods as well as the choice of postgraduate courses and literature
  • A continuous dialogue about the principles of research ethics and ethical actions is of paramount importance. As a supervisor, you must set an example regarding research ethics standards and good research practice
  • Support and teach how applications for research grants are written
  • Create conditions in which the doctoral student can obtain valuable contacts and networks, both national and international in the given research area, in order to pave the way for continued career paths after the defence of the doctoral thesis.
  • Contribute to the doctoral student being able to participate in international conferences
  • Prepare the doctoral student for the mid-way seminar, the final review and their defense of the doctoral thesis


Part of your role as a supervisor is to help the doctoral student find suitable courses. Örebro University offers several postgraduate courses that you can read more about here. The doctoral student may also apply for postgraduate courses at other higher education institutions in Sweden and / or abroad. Keep in mind that the doctoral student must apply for credit transfer for courses that have been completed outside of Örebro University.

Here are some other Swedish universities that offer postgraduate courses in sport science:

Other useful links


Information and forms

Information and forms

On this page you find more information about postgraduate education in sport science, as well as links to necessary forms.

Research in Sport Science

Research in Sport Science

Here is a collection page for research in sport science at Örebro University, with information about current research environments, projects, researchers, etc.

Inactive doctoral student

These guidelines describe an administrative procedure for following up inactive doctoral students, investigating the reasons why they are not actively studying and taking the measures that are appropriate in the individual case. The head of school is responsible for this.


Director of studies: Susanna Geidne
Head of subject: Fawzi Kadi
Study and research administrator: Alva Klasson