Assessment of mid-way review

Assessment at the mid-way review in Sport Science

Part of our University’s mission is to conduct high-quality research and offer high-quality doctoral programmes. To ensure quality, the thesis and dissertation projects underway shall be reviewed by means of individual supervision, research teams and designated review seminars. The primary responsibility for this review falls on the supervisors and the research teams, however, it is important that follow-up of thesis projects is also carried out in a wider circle. The seminar discussion of research plans, mid-way and final manuscripts shall primarily offer the doctoral student support as they continue their projects, however, the seminars should also be viewed as a means for the University and subjects to review the quality of the doctoral student’s work on a continuous basis.

At these reviews, the quality of the research shall be reviewed, but also the work in relation to the objectives for and intended outcomes of the doctoral programme as detailed in the general syllabus for the subject. The seminar opens with the doctoral student giving a brief presentation of their project. This is followed by a discussion, primarily involving the experts, thereafter with the whole audience. The seminar concludes with a separate discussion with the doctoral student.


Experts’ overall assessment

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Experts' feedback

It is important to note the most important advice below, not just refer to "oral advice" or "discussions at the seminar".

Document checklist

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