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Doctoral studies in Sociology

Research education subject information


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Study plan

Subject representative

Sociology studies social phenomena. It embraces studies of society's organisation and of how society functions but also studies of human interaction and human relations. Sociologists seek to understand and explain social processes and social relations, as well as the relationship between the individual and society. Within sociology, various aspects of power, influence and inequality, not least based on class, sex, sexuality and ethnicity, are analysed. Sociologists are interested both in that which contributes to the reproduction of society and that which contributes to changes in society. There are a number of fields within which sociological research is undertaken. At Örebro University, these fields include for instance working life and organisation, family and close relationships, and the environment, nature and expertise. Quantitative as well as qualitative methods are used within sociology.