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Doctoral studies in Musicology

The research study programme in Musicology at Örebro University focuses on issues of music as a cultural and social phenomenon, the importance of music for people and music's function within and outside educational institutions. In accordance with our research profile we study music, experience and experiential practice; music and equality (focusing particularly on factors such as gender, class, nationality and ethnicity); music and media; music education and training; and musical creation. Characteristic of our research is how culture and society affects the terms and conditions of the relationship between music and human. The PhD programme in Musicology provides in-depth knowledge of theoretical and methodological traditions, current research fields, and scientific methods.

Research education subject information


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


School of Music, Theatre and Art

Study plan

Subject representative

There are two types of third-cycle, or research, study programmes – one concluding with the doctoral degree (240 credits, corresponding to four years of full-time study) and one concluding with the licentiate degree (120 credits, corresponding to two years of full-time study).

The programmes mainly consist of courses and the writing of a doctoral or licentiate thesis. The programme components are assessed by means of course examination and the public defence of the thesis respectively. The research student is expected to take an active part in seminars and other auxiliary components during their period of study. The student is further recommended to take advantage of the opportunities offered to attend guest lectures etc. at the university, and to attend and contribute to national and international conferences. For each research student, a minimum of two supervisors will be appointed, supporting the student during their studies. One of them will be nominated principal supervisor. The detailed organisation of the programme shall be determined in an individual study plan.