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For doctoral students in Medical Science with a Specialisation in Healthcare Sciences

This page provides you with information about your doctoral education and links to different forms that you may need.

According to the Higher Education Ordinance, every student admitted to doctoral education shall annually establish an individual study plan (ISP). The plan should be established together with your supervisor within two months after you have been admitted. The individual study plan can be seen as a contract between you and the university about how your doctoral education is implemented. It is also an important planning tool for you and your supervisor and a way for the university to follow up on your studies. Your research plan and the general syllabus (ASP) is the basis for the planning of the ISP. The individual study plan must be signed by the doctoral student and the supervisor. Use the link below to find more information about the ISP, as well as links to the ISP template and a guide with examples to help you to fill it out.

Change/addition of supervisor

If you want to change, remove or add a supervisor, you, the doctoral student, must fill out the application below.

Change of specialisation

If you want to change your specialisation within the subject area Medical Science, please fill out the application below.

Change of general syllabus

You follow the general syllabus which was valid on the day you were admitted to doctoral education. Should the general syllabus change during your study period, you may apply for transfering your studies to the newer general syllabus. Please fill out the form below.

Change rate of study

Rate of study can mean either the planned or the actual level of activity, depending on the context. You cannot have a study activity lower than 50 per cent of full time. If you want to change your pace of study you need to fill out the application form below. 

Extension of study period

If you want to request an extension of your study period, for example due to sick leave or parental leave, you need to fill out the form below and send it to the study and research administration. Please remember that you must also include a certificate from your employer or insurance office (not required if you are employed as a doctoral student at Örebro University). 


If you for some reason want to terminate your doctoral studies, you must report it in writing. Contact the study and research administration or the Director of studies for more information.

The general syllabus on which you were admitted states how many credits you need to take during your doctoral education to meet the degree requirements. Örebro University offers doctoral courses but you can also choose to attend courses at other universities or institutions. You will find the University's doctoral courses here.

When you attend and pass a course given by Örebro University, your credits will automatically be registered in the study documentation system Ladok. However, if you attend and pass a course given by the University Library, you must apply for credit transfer (more information about credit transfer follows below).

You may also attend courses at other universities or institutions, in Sweden or abroad. Once you have passed such a course, you must apply for transfer of credits.

Below you will find links to doctoral courses at faculties of medicine at other universities in Sweden.

If you attend courses outside of Örebro University you need to apply for a credit transfer after you finished the course in order for it to count towards your future doctoral degree. Along with a properly filled-out application you must also submit a certificate of your participation, as well as a course syllabus or similar. Note that it is always individually assessed whether or not an application is approved (completely or partly).

According to "Guidelines for credit transfer for the subject areas of Medical Science, Disability Science and Sport Science" (ORU 1.2.1-06176/2017) shall an application for credit transfer for courses/thesis work completed prior to admission be made in connection with the approval of the doctoral student’s first ISP (Individual Study Plan). For courses completed whilst on the doctoral programme, an application for credit transfer should be made no later than at the time of the next ISP revision.

The research study administrator forwards the application to the specialisation coordinator/head of subject who reviews and makes the relevant decisions. If the specialisation coordinator/head of subject is of the opinion that the course for which credit transfer has been applied, does not fall within the scope of third-cycle courses and study programmes, the application shall be rejected. On rejection, the decision must include the grounds for the decision.

It is important to start work on the kappa in good time. Below is Ingemar Engström's presentation from the Doctoral Student Day in spring 2023 with tips on how to succeed with your kappa writing.

Mid-way review is a mandatory element in doctoral education. The mid-way review shall be held no later than when half of the doctoral study programme has been completed, i.e., after two years for full-time studies, or earlier if two papers have been accepted for publication in a refereed journal. The mid-way review is planned by the supervisor in consultation with the doctoral student and other supervisors, as well as with the specialisations coordinator.

Please note that Örebro University's PowerPoint templates and logos shall be used for your material presented at the mid-way review, they can be found here (ORU account log-in required).

The faculty would like the doctoral thesis to be quality assured prior to the public defence through a final review seminar or an introductory chapter seminar. At a final review seminar, both the introductory chapter and published articles and manuscripts are examined, while an introductory chapter seminar focuses on the dissertation's comprehensive summary. Doctoral students and senior colleagues at the university are suitably hired as examiners.

You who wish to have a final seminar or introductory chapter seminar will propose the date and time that suits you and the reviewers. Contact for help to book a room for the seminar. Notify your preferred date and time, type of seminar, thesis title,  reviewers (name, title and affiliation) and seminar leader. The research administrator publishes the seminar in the calendar for the School of Health Sciences with a registration link in order to be able to send out scripts to pre-registered participants.

You who hold the seminar are responsible for advertising for the seminar and for sending the material to selected reviewers in accordance with agreement. You send the current script no later than 8 days before the seminar to, the research administrator then sends it on to the registered participants 7 days before the seminar.

The seminar begins with the doctoral student briefly presenting the work. This is followed by a discussion, first with the reviewers, then with the participants.

A licentiate degree of 120 credits (two years of full time studies) can be an independent degree, or a step on the road towards a doctorate. The licentiate thesis shall be defended at a public seminar.

On the University's central pages you can find more information about thesis production.

A doctoral education of 240 credits (four years of full time studies) is concluded by you defending your thesis at a public defence.

It is your principal supervisor’s responsibility to plan your public defence together with you. Remember to start planning and preparing well in advance; there is much to be done. We recommend that you inform the study and research administration as soon as you have a preliminary date for your defence, so that the availability can be checked. It is also important that you contact the printing office Repro as soon as possible to establish a time plan for your thesis production.

The proposal for public defence, complete with all appendices, shall be submitted in original version to the study and research administration 15 weeks - at the latest! - before the proposed date of the public defence. All appendices that are to be included are listed on the proposal form. Note that all the documents shall be printed single-sided.

Financial support

Financial support

Information about additional financial support for doctoral students (login needed).

Lunch seminars

Lunch seminars

Here is the calendar for the Doctoral Student Section's upcoming lunch seminars.



Here you can read more about the research at the School of Health Sciences.


The Specialisation CoordinatorMats Eriksson, is responsible for the subject's quality and development, both in terms of research, education and collaboration. You can contact Mats with questions regarding doctoral courses, for example regarding the choice of courses or credit transfer of courses.

The Director of Studies for postgraduate education in Medical Sciences with a Specialisation in Healthcare Sciences, Elisabeth Ericsson, is responsible for, among other things, assisting doctoral students with overall postgraduate education issues. You can contact Maria if you have questions regarding, for example, the individual study plan, supervision or if problems arise within the education.

Are you uncertain about who to contact? You can always turn to the study and research administrator Johanna Hulldin with your questions about doctoral studies and she will either help you find the answer or guide you towards the right person.