When preparing the licentiate thesis, the university template for thesis should be used (please note however that it is specifically designed for the preparation of doctoral theses). The licentiate thesis should be written in English. A licentiate thesis should consist of an introductory chapter based on at least two substudies, of which at least one has been published or accepted for publication in a refereed journal at the time of submission of the proposal for the public defence of a licentiate thesis. The doctoral student must be the lead author of at least one of the substudies. Co-lead authorship is accepted but what is key for the examining committee’s assessment of the thesis is the contribution made by the doctoral student and how it corresponds to the intended learning outcomes for the award of the degree. A systematic overview paper or meta-analysis may be included in the thesis. A licentiate thesis at Örebro University may in certain cases take the format of a monograph.
Journal(s) must be contacted prior to the licentiate seminar for permission to publish the paper and pictures/tables in the thesis (feel free to use this template for this purpose).
In accordance with the faculty publication policy, the doctoral student needs to have Örebro University as affiliation for all substudies included in the thesis.
Language editing
The introductory chapter should be submitted for language editing.
Plagiarism check of the introductory chapter
A plagiarism check must be done on the introductory chapter. According to ”Guidelines for plagiarism check of introductory chapters prior to the public defence of doctoral theses and licentiate seminar for the subject areas of medical science and disability science” (ORU 1.2.1-06334/2017), the doctoral student is responsible for sending the introductory chapter excluding the list of references to the study and research administration. The study and research administration in turn submits it to the plagiarism detection system Urkund.
The specialisation coordinator/head of subject informs the study and research administration about the result of the plagiarism check. The administration informs the printing office that the thesis is OK to print and informs the doctoral student and the principal supervisor thereof.
In the event that possible plagiarism is detected, the specialisation coordinator/head of subject will contact the principal supervisor and the doctoral student immediately. The printing office is also contacted, to stop the printing of the thesis.
Printing the licentiate thesis
Printing is to be done after the licentiate seminar and after a passing grade has been awarded for the thesis. The school meets the cost of two copies, one for archiving and one for the cabinet in which doctoral and licentiate theses are displayed. The cost of any further copies is met by the doctoral student (or supervisor).The doctoral student shall contact the Printing Office (Repro) at Örebro University concerning the printing and will at the same time submit the necessary details for invoicing and delivery arrangements. These details can be obtained from the study and research administrator.