Doctoral studies in Mathematics
At Örebro University, a third-cycle study programme in Mathematics is given with two specializations: Mathematics and Mathematics Education.
Research education subject information
Faculty of Business, Science and Engineering
School of Science and Technology
Study plan
Subject representative
At the division for Mathematics, we conduct research within two research groups, Mathematics and Mathematics education, with the corresponding two specializations in the third-cycle study programme in mathematics. The research group in Mathematics can in turn be divided into two subgroups, for pure and applied mathematics, respectively.
Mathematics is essentially a formal symbolic language that in a logically precise and systematic way describes something either abstractly in itself (pure mathematics) or something from the world we live in (applied mathematics). Some of the areas that are represented within the research group in Mathematics are algebra, combinatorics, analytic number theory, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, and optimization. Parts of our research are conducted in collaboration with industry and business.
Mathematics Education can be regarded as a specific application of mathematics in which questions about teaching and learning specific to mathematics are studied. Members of the group focus their research on how mathematical proofs are included and treated in textbooks, issues of mathematical knowledge for teaching, the meaning of mathematical reasoning and designing for interactive teaching in mathematics. The group of Mathematics Education plays an active role within the teacher program and is engage in several research-based school development projects.
Doctoral courses in mathematics
- Activity Theory and Communities of Inquiry with implications for professional development in mathematics education, 7,5 credits
- Introduction to research in mathematics education, 7.5 credits
- Introduction to the philosophy of science, 2.5 credits
- Learning and teaching in geometry, 7,5 ECTS
- Research and thesis planning in science and technology, 7.5 credits
Research Ethics in Science and Technology, 2,5 credits
14 January 2025 - 31 January 2025
- Seminars in Mathematics, 7.5 credits