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Steering Committee for the Post Graduate School for Integrated Care

The organisation consists of a steering committee and a reference group. The steering committee consists of a representative from each university and is led by project leader Mats Eriksson. The reference group consists of representatives from the various universities.

Steering Committee

Mats Eriksson

Mats Eriksson

Projec leader, Örebro University

Anna Ehrenberg

Anna Ehrenberg

Professor, Dalarna University

Jan MÃ¥rtensson

Jan Mårtensson

Professor, Jönköping University

Anna Strömberg

Anna Strömberg

Professor, Linköping University

Reference group

Dalarna University
Renée Flacking
Fatumo Osman

Jönköping University
Eleonor Fransson

Linköping University
Sara Bergstrand

Örebro University
Marie Holmefur
Liselott Hermansson
Ylva Nilsagård