For the principal supervisor

This web form is filled in by you as the principle supervisor. Required attachments are uploaded on the final page. Note that if you close the browser, any text you have entered will not be saved in the web form. You should therefore make sure you complete the whole document once you have started.

Important tip! Save all information and attachments in a separate folder on your computer, making it easy to upload them once you are working in the web form. If at a later stage, supplementary information would be requested, you may need to provide the information and upload the attachments again (see the section If supplementary information is required below). The files should be named to clearly reflect their content.

The following attachments will be required:

  • minutes or other written statement from a quality review (e.g. mid-way review);
  • a brief summary of the thesis;
  • grounds for the proposal of external reviewer, examining committee (incl. substitutes) and chair of the public defence. Note that this must include a detailed account of the relevant expertise of each of the members of the examining committee with regard to their ability to assess all of the
    aspects of the thesis (must be dated);
  • assessment on conflicts of interest for the persons proposed in relation to the doctoral student and supervisor (must be dated);
  • list of papers (when the thesis is a compilation thesis);
  • account of any changes made to the thesis as a result of comments received in the quality review (must be dated);
  • account of the doctoral student's contributions when paper/doctoral thesis has been co-authored with another person (must be dated);
  • special grounds. If, according to guidelines, special grounds are required for a certain decision, an account of these grounds must be provided in this document (must be dated);
  • any consultation with the dean, i.e. if a consultation has previously taken place that affects the decision on the public defence, such consultation must be accounted for in this document (must be dated); and
  • (for the Faculty of Medicine and Health only) an account of the relation of current ethical approvals to the completion of the research project (must be dated). Note! As the Faculty of Medicine and Health requires an ethics review of the project prior to the public defence, provision of the following standard text is sufficient: “Refer to submitted documentation for ethics review prior to the public defence”.

A summary of the completed web form and uploaded documents is generated automatically via the email address provided in the web form by the principal supervisor, with a copy to the research study administration team.

Details of the proposed public defence from the principal supervisor

The information refers to the proposal for a public defence for the doctoral student:


Information about the Faculty Examiner

Information of the members of the Examining Committee:






Information about the Chair of the Defence


Important tip! Save all information and attachments in a separate folder on your computer, making it easy to upload them once you are working in the web form.





The thesis is:







The details of the proposed public defence are filled out by the principle supervisor:

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