Doctoral student introduction programme

Providing you with a solid introduction programme will ease you into your new role as a doctoral student and help you to navigate the doctoral programme successfully. As a doctoral student at Örebro University you will be offered the opportunity to take part in a tailor-made introduction programme.
Introduction for new employees
Doctoral students appointed to a doctoral studentship at Örebro University will also be invited to take part in the Employee Programme and attend the introduction session for new staff organised by Human Resources.
Local introduction for doctoral students
A local orientation programme offered at your school will provide you with more specific information on issues such as the local organisation, your subject, supervision, and various practical aspects concerning your studies.
Lunch seminar
All new doctoral students will once a month be invited to a lunch seminar. You will find the schedule och how to register in the calendar further down this site.
Doctoral Student Section
The introduction is organized in collaboration with the Örebro Student Union’s Doctoral Student Section. Board members from DokSek will be present at all seminars. Feel free to ask us if you have any questions regarding your PhD-studies. Visit our website for further information about what we do to improve your quality of education and our upcoming activities.