Oldies but Goldies: Seminal Works in Computer Science, 4 credits
Course information
Research education subject
- Computer Science
Course Syllabus
Course date
March 2025
Jenny Pettersson, Utbildnings- och forskningsadministratör
+46 19 303507 jenny.pettersson@oru.se -
Pedro Zuidberg dos Martires, Biträdande lektor
+46 19 303000 pedro.zuidberg-dos-martires@oru.se
Course content
This course is dedicated to exploring foundational and seminal research publications in computer science. Each PhD student will select a classic publication considered seminal within their field of research, analyze its significance, and present it to the rest of the class in a dedicated seminar. PhD student’s presentation opening their seminar shall cover:
- The scientific context of the publication at the time of its publication.
- Today’s relevance of the publication.
- The influence of the publication on subsequent research both inside and outside the academia.
Course information
The course will be offered in Spring 2025 with the preliminary starting date around mid-March. The course consists of weekly in-person seminars (1.5 hours each). Every PhD student will be responsible for organizing one of the seminars. Preliminary dates and times of the seminars are set to be on Wednesdays 10.15-12.00. The exact time slots will be discussed with the students who sign up for the course.
Please note: To conduct the course, at least 4 students need to sign up.
How to register interest for the course
Please send an email expressing your interest to the course organizers (Pedro Zuidberg dos Martires and Denis Kleyko) as well as Cc to the research administration.
Who is course ressponsible
Pedro Zuidberg dos Martires