Efficient Software Design and Development, 2 credits
Course information
Research education subject
- Computer Science
Course Syllabus
Franziska Klügl, Professor
+46 19 303925 franziska.klugl@oru.se -
Josefin Unander-Scharin, Utbildnings- och forskningsadministratör
+46 19 303909 josefin.unander-scharin@oru.se
Course content
The course presents established and novel methodologies and tools that enable efficient design and development of high quality software. The focus of the course is on systematic engineering of software using designs based on robust and extensible software architectures; methods to ensure software quality; and heuristics for clean program code. A special focus is put on (collaborative) software development for creating products that practical research can be built upon in a reliable way. The course is independent from any particular programming language.
Course information
If you are interested in taking the course, contact the research administration for more information: forskningsadm.NT@oru.se