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Doctoral course

Distributed Decision Making in Multiagent Systems, 3.5 credits

Course information

Research education subject

  • Computer Science

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus


Course content

The course discusses new and established research in multiagent systems. Based on formal grounding in game theory and mechanism design, different interaction situations that autonomous agents have to solve are discussed for both, cooperative and antagonistic settings: task allocation and coordination in cooperative systems; social choice (voting), auctions and markets, negotiation and coalition formation for egoistic agents.

Course information

The course has run in parallel with the SMARTer course on DAI/MAS with three obligatory seminars: Kick Off seminar, Paper Seminar, Final Seminar

While the first seminar is a kickoff meeting, the second contains presentations based  on literature, and the third a presentation of the students concept. In addition, there are a number of assignments to be done. 

How to sign up for the course

There is no current plan for when the course will be offered again. For any questions contact research administration.