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Doctoral course

Research Communication in Medical Science II, 2,5 credits

Forskningskommunikation inom medicinsk vetenskap II, 2,5 hp

Course information

Research education subject

  • Medical Science

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Course content

Participants in the course shall give a presentation at an international conference, as well as a written report and an oral presentation on the same subject at a seminar organized by the School of Medical Sciences. Participants are thereby provided with theoretical and practical tools for presenting and discussing their research results with other researchers and interested parties.

The international conference may be carried out in Sweden, but the conference language should be English, and the presentation shall be conducted in English.

Course information

The course is carried out individually. In order to be admitted to the course, you must have completed a presentation at an international conference fairly recently. The course consists of the following parts:

  • Write a report on the completed conference, including a reflection on your own implementation and results.
  • An oral presentation of the same topic as at the conference shall be carried out at a seminar organised by the course coordinator. The presentation must be in English, maximum 10 minutes, and with 10 minutes following discussion and reflection on the presentation.

Deadline for submitting the written report is 2025-04-22.

Oral presentation take place 2025-05-07. 

Admission requirements

In order to attend the course and take part in the examinations, the applicant must be admitted to doctoral studies within the subject Medical Science.

The applicant must also have completed following:

  • Research Communication in Medical Science I (2,5 credits) alternatively Research Communication in Health and Medical Science I (2,5 credits)

The applicant must also have completed:

  • General Scientific Methods in Medical Science, Research Poster (2,5 credits), course code 70ME060
  • General Scientific Methods in Medical Science, Report (7,5 credits), course code 70ME060

alternatively the following parts from General Scientific Methods in Medical Science 15 credits 70ME075:

  • Code 0200: Scientific poster (2,5 credits)
  • Code 0300: Report (6,5 credits)


Application is closed. 


Course coordinator: Ignacio Rangel

Examiner: Allan Sirsjö

Course administration: