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Doctoral course

Multimodality: Theoretical and methodological perspectives, 7.5 Credits

Course information

Research education subject

  • Studies in the Humanities

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus




Course description

The course presents a number of theoretical and methodological approaches to multimodality: how different modes of communication combine for meaning-making in different contexts. The research field is theoretically and methodologically multifaceted, and the course introduces a number of important sub-fields, for example multimodal discourse analysis, multimodality and learning, multimodal interaction analysis, and rhetorical multimodal analysis. Students have the opportunity to do an in-depth study of one or a few of these approaches, if possible with direct relevance to their own PhD thesis. The language of instruction is English.

Admission requirements

To gain access to the course and complete the examinations included in the course, the applicant must be admitted to a doctoral programme at Örebro University.

Other applicants than doctoral students admitted at Örebro University may be given access to the course on the grounds of provisions for and/or agreements regarding contracted courses, joint degrees, national graduate schools or cooperation in other respects with other universities.


The course was given March 21 - June 4, 2024.
Study rate: Part-time
Number of participants: 15
Language of instruction: English

Application to the course

The application is now closed.