Computer Science, Second Cycle, Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems, 3 Credits

The real world is distributed. Distributed Artificial Intelligence deals with this distribution of knowledge, competences and capabilities, across different entities and different locations.

The course introduces Multi-Agent Systems - the main concept and technology of Distributed AI. We will discuss how to build systems that can work as a part of a Multi-agent System; how to organize different intelligent entities, how to use negotiation or auctions to distribute tasks to autonomous agents and many more topics from Swarm Intelligence to teams of intelligent robots.

ECTS Credits

3 Credits

Level of education

Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)


School of Science and Technology

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: H5026