Computer Science, Second Cycle, Declarative Problem Solving with Answer Set Programming, 3 Credits

Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a declarative programming paradigm designed within the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and used to solve complex search-problems. The declarative nature of ASP allows one to encode a problem by means of logic. In this way, unlike in imperative programming approaches, there is no need to design an algorithm as a solution for the given problem. In this sense, ASP is comparable with SAT-based encoding or constraint satisfaction problems. However, due to its stable-model semantics, ASP provides a richer representation language useful to handle uncertain situations more effectively for real world scenarios. The advantages of declarative programming together with non-monotonic nature of ASP in handling uncertainties have recently made ASP more attractive both for academia and industry. This course focuses on formalizing and solving various search problems in planning, scheduling and system configuration in ASP.

The course is intended for working professionals.

ECTS Credits

3 Credits

Level of education

Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)


School of Science and Technology

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: V5627