Computer Science, Second Cycle, Declarative Problem Solving for Artificial Intelligence, 3 Credits

In this course, students will learn about the power of declarative programming, a programming paradigm that lets one focus on the "what" rather than the "how" of computational problem-solving. Unlike typical programming, where the programmer provides step-by-step instructions, declarative programming allows one to articulate desired outcomes and preference, and the underlying system figures out how to achieve them. This approach is especially useful in artificial intelligence, where complex problems can be solved efficiently.

Throughout the course, you'll explore essential concepts, tools, and techniques to build AI solutions with clarity and precision. We will delve into real-world applications, such as computational cognitive vision systems, with a focus on areas like autonomous driving, visuo-auditory media processing, and visual perception.

Whether you're new to AI or looking to expand your AI-based programming skills, this course will give you a solid foundation in a modern and effective way of thinking about programming.

ECTS Credits

3 Credits

Level of education

Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)


School of Science and Technology

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: V5667

Prerequisites: At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: V5027