Computer Science, Second Cycle, AI and Cybersecurity, 3 Credits

With the advances of modern technology, cybersecurity has become hard to provide and guarantee. AI can help to minimise cybersecurity risks when deploying IT-systems, but it can also undermine such systems. In this course, you will learn the different uses of AI for defending and attacking an IT-system, from biometrics for authenticating legitimate users, to fuzzing attacks for crashing vulnerable targets.

ECTS Credits

3 Credits

Level of education

Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements (A1N)


School of Science and Technology

When is the course offered?

Prerequisites: At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: V5628

Note: You can only apply to this course in the Swedish Admission Round at

Apply now

Prerequisites: At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Selection: Academic points

Course syllabus

Application code: V5026