Contact Us - International Studies

We have several different departments that can help answer a variety of questions related to international studies at Örebro University. Depending on what you need, you can check below to find out who to contact.

Prospective Student Support (Master's)

Our Prospective Student Support team can help you with taking the first steps towards studying a master's programme at Örebro University, and direct you towards faculty members who can answer specific questions about your programme of interest.

The team can help answer questions related to: available programmes, how to apply, what the university can offer international students.

Department: Prospective Student Support

Phone: +46 79 061 49 12


Applicant Support (Master's)

University Admissions will handle and process your master's programme application and can provide you with a lot of useful information and advice to help you apply. This information can be found here. You can also contact them directly to ask specific questions.

Our Admissions team at Örebro University can help you with any additional questions related to your application once it is submitted, and help you understand the tuition fee structure.

When contacting our Admissions team, please ensure that you provide them with your application ID number - this can be found in your UniversityAdmissions account.

Department: Admissions

Phone: +46 19 30 30 00 (switchboard)


Scholarships Support (Master's)

Our Scholarships Support team can help master's programme applicants with applying for a scholarship, to help support their tuition fee costs. They can help answer questions related to: scholarship options, applying for a scholarships, deadlines and result announcements.

Department: Scholarships

Phone: +46 19 30 30 00 (switchboard)


Accepted Student Support (Exchange and Master's)

Our International Office can help accepted master's and exchange students with the next steps, advising what you will need to think about and do before you arrive at Örebro University. They can help answer questions related to: where to apply for a visa, pre-arrival considerations, what to expect as a new student.

Department: International Office

Phone: +46 19 30 30 00 (switchboard)


Housing Support (Exchange and Master's)

Our Housing Office can help accepted master's students and incoming exchange students with housing-related queries, providing dedicated support to help find housing during their studies. They can help answer questions related to: housing options, applying for accommodation during studies.

Department: Housing Office

Phone: +46 19 30 30 00 (switchboard)


Alumni Support

If you are an Örebro University alumnus and would like help with a project, support the work of our faculty and students, or would like to find out what support is available to alumni, then get in touch with us!

Department: Alumni Support
