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Research projects

Biological responses to pharmaceuticals and antibiotics in the environment

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Jana Jass

Research subject

Research environments

Environmental contaminants have a great impact on the health and wellbeing of both humans and wildlife. These contaminants include pharmaceutical compounds, organic substances and metals released by sewage treatment plants, industries, mining and agricultural activities. The contaminants can target normal functions that regulate developmental, reproductive, inflammation and infection processes. We are investigating the biological affects of pharmaceutical contaminants using different models systems. The models we use include bacteria (E. coli, enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), human tissue cells and the nematode C. elegans. Together they provide a more global view of the effects of contaminants on biological systems.

Selected references

El Marghani A, Pradhan A, Seyoum A, Khalaf A, Ros T, ForsbergL-H, Nermark T, Osterman L, Wiklund L, Ivarsson P, Jass J and Olsson P-E (2014) Contribution of pharmaceuticals, fecal bacteria and endotoxin to the inflammatory responses to inland waters. Sci. Tot. Environ. 488-489: 228-235.

Khalaf H, Ivarsson P, Jass J, Olsson P-E. (2010) Environmental influences on inflammatory responses. In Vivo 24:367-68.

Khalaf, H., Salste, L., Karlsson, P., Ivarsson, P., Jass, J. and Olsson,P-E. (2009) In vitro analysis of inflammatory responses following environmental exposure to pharmaceuticals and inland waters. Sci Tot Environ. 407:1452-1460.

Research funding bodies

  • The Knowledge Foundation