Robot Navigation and Perception Lab
About this group
Group information
Research subject
Research environments
Focus of the the Robot Navigation and Perception Lab is on perception systems for mobile robots. Our goal is to advance the theoretical and practical foundations that allow mobile robots to operate in an unconstrained, dynamic environment. The approaches that we develop address real-world needs and are typically characterized by fusion of different sensor modalities. Where possible the results of our research work are timely integrated in industrial demonstrators. Research is organized along two major strands in the areas of mobile robotics and artificial olfaction.
Mobile Robotics
Research in Mobile Robotics is aimed at autonomous and safe long-term operation in real world scenarios. Industrial relevance and technology transfer of our research results is facilitated through collaborative projects with industrial partners in the area of professional service robots for autonomous transportation ("logistics robots"). These collaborative projects deal with robotic forklifts in warehouses, robotic wheel loaders on asphalt production sites, underground mining vehicles and garbage bin collecting robots in public areas as well as robotic systems to unload containers.
- Henrik Andreasson
- Unal Artan
- Manuel Castellano-Quero
- Han Fan
- Oleksandr Kotlyar
- Vladimír Kubelka
- Achim Lilienthal
- Martin Magnusson
- Erik Schaffernicht
- Daniel Adolfsson, PhD student
- Håkan Almqvist, PhD student
- Ravi Chadalavada, PhD student
- Paolo Forte, PhD student
- Himanshu Gupta, PhD student
- Lukas Heuer, PhD student
- Maximilian Hilger, PhD student
- Tim Schreiter, PhD student
- Shuo Sun, PhD student
- Judith Treffler, PhD student
- Nicolas Winkler, PhD student
- Shih-Min Yang, PhD student
- Yufei Zhu, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- A context-aware framework for visual localization
- AutoHauler - Automated Planning and Coordination of Autonomous Haulers in Underground Mines
- DIDUNAS - Digital Identification & Support of Under-Achieving Students
- Dynamic Agile Production Robots That Learn and Optimise Knowledge and Operations (DARKO)
- MORE - Educating Europe`s Future Engineers in Next Generation Heavy Duty Mobile Machinery: Artificial Intelligence driven Robotisation, Energy Efficiency and Process Optimisation
- NiCE: Robust Navigation in Changing Environments
- Radarize: Advanced Perception and Navigation for Autonomous Underground Vehicles
- RoboClean
- TAMMP - Tele-operated & Autonomous Machines in the Mining Process
- TeamRob - Teams of Robots Working for and with Humans
Completed projects
- AIR - Action and Intention Recognition in Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems
- ALL-4-eHam - Fully Autonomous WheeL Loaders for efficient HAndling of Heterogeneous Materials
- ALLO - Automomous Long-Term Load-Haul-Dump Operations
- AMICI - Augmented Interaction For Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks In Industrial Environments
- DIADEM - Distributed Information Acquisition and Decision-Making for Environmental Management
- Dustbot - Networked and Cooperating Robots for Urban Hygiene
- FIREM-II. Fire and Rescue in Mines II
- Gasbot
- Ground-level power supply for electrical vehicles
- ILIAD: Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment for safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces
- iQMobility
- MALTA - Multiple Autonomous forklifts for Loading and Transportation Applications
- RAISE - Robotic System for Air Quality Assessment in Industrial Environments
- RobLog - Cognitive Robot for Automation of Logistic Processes
- SAUNA - Safe Autonomous Navigation
- SAVIE - Safe Autonomous Vehicles for Industrial Environments
- Semantic Maps and Beyond
- Semantic Robots
- SeSAM - Sensorbased safety for autonomous mobility
- SmokeBot - Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility
- SPENCER - Social Situation-aware Perception and Action for Cognitive Robots
- Surveyor