School of Science and Technology

Swaccs Junior academy workshop

Career development within chemicals, health and the environment


Day One – September 16th, 2019

10:30 Registration
11:00 Welcome to ORU - Åke Strid, Örebro university
Presentation of Swaccs and workshop - Anna Forsby och Ingrid Ericson Jogsten
11:20 Keynote 1: Job market outside academia - Sofia Sjöholm, Naturvetarna
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Market yourself - ORU Holding
Group activity 1: elevator pitch
14:30 FIKA (Swedish coffee break)
15:00 Presentation of participants/present research pitch
16:30 General feedback on presentations and research pitches
17:00 End of day one
19:00 DINNER

Day Two – September 17th, 2019

09:00 How to succeed (survive) in academia – Joelle Rüegg, KI/UU
09:30 Stakeholder mapping - ORU Holding
10:00 FIKA
10:20 Presentations from alumni
10:20 - Johanna Wachtmeister, Trossa: Sustainability communication and consulting.
10:45 - Aleksandra Rybacka, Jula: Sustainability in retail
11:10 - Steffen Keiter, ORU: Mobility between academia and industry
11:40 Building my research network - Åke Bergman
12:10 LUNCH
13:00 Match making in research - Grants Office research advisor
Group activity 2: speed networking
15:00 End of workshop