Örebro University School of Business

SWEGPEC courses


In order to apply for courses at Örebro University, please send a filled in registration form together with a certificate of doctoral studies to forskningsadm.hh@oru.se.

In order to apply for courses at Jönköping International Business School, please send a filled in registration form together with a certificate of doctoral studies to Jibs.Research@ju.se. The normal deadline for registering for JIBS doctoral courses in the autumn is June 1st of the same year, but due to the late publication of available courses, the deadline in 2022 for autumn courses at JIBS is August 19, 2022.

To apply for a course at another higher education institution in the SWEGPEC network, please contact the school in question.

Course evaluation

After concluded participation in a Swegpec course, the PhD student should fill in a course evaluation form and send it to the research administrator at the school responsible for the course.

Evaluation form

Course Schedules

Detailed course schedules are found through the SWEGPEC course schedules OneDrive site when available.

SWEGPEC Courses Academic Year 2024/2025

Fall semester 2024




Mathematics for Doctoral Economics I Weeks 36-44 Jönköping International Business School scott.hacker@ju.se
Political ecology: foundations and emancipatory trends Weeks 38 - 42 SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) harry.fischer@slu.se
Philosophy of Social Science, 5 credits Weeks 44- 47 SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) orjan.bartholdson@slu.se
Discrete Choice Experiments in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Economics, 5 credits Weeks 43-49 SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) jens.rommel@slu.se
Equality of Opportunity September-December Linnaeus University hans.gronqvist@lnu.se

Spring semester 2025




Econometrics, 15 credits

Swedish syllabus
English syllabus

Weeks 4-20

Linnaeus University


Open Quantitative Social Science, 5 credits

Weeks 5 - 9

SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)


Economics on Equality of Opportunity


Linnaeus University


Methods to Analyze Text as Data 

Weeks 18 - 24

Jönköping International Business School


Note: The courses comprise 7.5 credits (högskolepoäng) unless otherwise stated.