This page in Swedish School of Music, Theatre and Art Staff, A-Ö Per Abelson Per Abelson Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Per Abelson Email: cGVyLmFiZWxzb247b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Tarek Abu Hammoud Tarek Abu Hammoud Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Tarek Abu Hammoud Email: dGFyZWsuYWJ1LWhhbW1vdWQ7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Susanna Andrén Susanna Andrén Position: Study and Research Administrator School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Susanna Andrén Email: c3VzYW5uYS5hbmRyZW47b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303324 Room: F2117 Hans Balstedt Hans Balstedt Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Hans Balstedt Email: aGFucy5iYWxzdGVkdDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303344 Room: M157 Louise Belchior Louise Belchior Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Louise Belchior Email: bG91aXNlLmJlbGNoaW9yO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Florian Benfer Florian Benfer Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Florian Benfer Email: Zmxvcmlhbi5iZW5mZXI7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303830 Room: M266 Daniel Berg Daniel Berg Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Daniel Berg Email: ZGFuaWVsLmJlcmc7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: M102 Jon Mikkel Broch Ålvik Jon Mikkel Broch Ålvik Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Jon Mikkel Broch Ålvik Email: bWlra2VsLmJyb2NoLWFsdmlrO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 302333 Room: M3210 Josefin Bäck Josefin Bäck Position: Study and Research Administrator School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Josefin Bäck Email: am9zZWZpbi5iYWNrO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303328 Room: M3108 Stefan Bäcklund Stefan Bäcklund Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Stefan Bäcklund Email: c3RlZmFuLmJhY2tsdW5kO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303599 Room: M209 Linnéa Christensen Linnéa Christensen Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Linnéa Christensen Email: bGlubmVhLmNocmlzdGVuc2VuO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 302321 Room: - Annika Danielsson Annika Danielsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Annika Danielsson Email: YW5uaWthLmRhbmllbHNzb247b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301292 Room: M3211 Sam de Boise Sam de Boise Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Sam de Boise Email: c2FtLmRlYm9pc2U7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302334 Room: - Rebecca Dobre Billström Rebecca Dobre Billström Position: Analyst, Senior Lecturer School/office: Faculty Office Profile page: Rebecca Dobre Billström Email: cmViZWNjYS5kb2JyZS1iaWxsc3Ryb207b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303299 Room: E3232 Sebastien Dubé Sebastien Dubé Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Sebastien Dubé Email: - Phone: No number available Room: - Martin Edin Martin Edin Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Martin Edin Email: bWFydGluLmVkaW47b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Petter Ekberg Petter Ekberg Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Petter Ekberg Email: cGV0dGVyLmVrYmVyZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Anders Ekman Anders Ekman Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Anders Ekman Email: YW5kZXJzLmVrbWFuO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301019 Room: M255 Anna Englund Bohm Anna Englund Bohm Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Anna Englund Bohm Email: YW5uYS5ib2htO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Helena Eriksson Helena Eriksson Position: Manager School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Helena Eriksson Email: aGVsZW5hLmVyaWtzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303350 Room: M3104 Moa Fröding Moa Fröding Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Moa Fröding Email: bW9hLmZyb2Rpbmc7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302250 Room: M3206 Eva Georgii-Hemming Eva Georgii-Hemming Position: Professor School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Eva Georgii-Hemming Email: ZXZhLmdlb3JnaWktaGVtbWluZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303839 Room: M3212 Jakob Gudmundsson Jakob Gudmundsson Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Jakob Gudmundsson Email: amFrb2IuZ3VkbXVuZHNzb247b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Hedda Gulliksson Hedda Gulliksson Position: Teaching Assistant School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Hedda Gulliksson Email: aGVkZGEuZ3VsbGlrc3NvbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Joshua Han Joshua Han Position: Researcher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Joshua Han Email: am9zaHVhLmhhbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Jakob Henriques Jakob Henriques Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Jakob Henriques Email: amFrb2IuaGVucmlxdWVzO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: M358 Mats Jansson Mats Jansson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Mats Jansson Email: bWF0cy5qYW5zc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303876 Room: M271 Nichelle Johansson Nichelle Johansson Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Nichelle Johansson Email: bmljaGVsbGUuam9oYW5zc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 302297 Room: M3207 Maria Johansson Josephsson Maria Johansson Josephsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Maria Johansson Josephsson Email: bWFyaWEuam9oYW5zc29uLWpvc2VwaHNzb247b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302177 Room: M265 Lena Johnson Lena Johnson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Lena Johnson Email: bGVuYS5qb2huc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303825 Room: M272 Martin Junstrand Martin Junstrand Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Martin Junstrand Email: bWFydGluLmp1bnN0cmFuZDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303820 Room: M362 Peter Knudsen Peter Knudsen Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Peter Knudsen Email: cGV0ZXIua251ZHNlbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 736 369499 Room: M217 Roger Krieg Roger Krieg Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Roger Krieg Email: cm9nZXIua3JpZWc7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Ulrika Landell Ulrika Landell Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Ulrika Landell Email: dWxyaWthLmxhbmRlbGw7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303488 Room: M3117 Ester Lebedinski Ester Lebedinski Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Ester Lebedinski Email: ZXN0ZXIubGViZWRpbnNraTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 302330 Room: M3106 Johanna Levin Johanna Levin Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Johanna Levin Email: am9oYW5uYS5sZXZpbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303363 Room: M361 Samuel Lindlöf Samuel Lindlöf Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Samuel Lindlöf Email: c2FtdWVsLmxpbmRsb2Y7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Christian Lund Christian Lund Position: School Technician School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Christian Lund Email: Y2hyaXN0aWFuLmx1bmQ7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302332 Room: M1201 Olivia Lundberg Olivia Lundberg Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Olivia Lundberg Email: b2xpdmlhLmx1bmRiZXJnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Christer Mathisen Christer Mathisen Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Christer Mathisen Email: Y2hyaXN0ZXIubWF0aGlzZW47b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Karl Mellqvist Karl Mellqvist Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Karl Mellqvist Email: a2FybC5tZWxscXZpc3Q7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Gunnar Misgeld Gunnar Misgeld Position: Service Technician School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Gunnar Misgeld Email: Z3VubmFyLm1pc2dlbGQ7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Nadia Moberg Nadia Moberg Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Nadia Moberg Email: bmFkaWEubW9iZXJnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303631 Room: M3205 Tebogo Monnakgotla Tebogo Monnakgotla Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Tebogo Monnakgotla Email: dGVib2dvLm1vbm5ha2dvdGxhO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Lina Nestor Lina Nestor Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Lina Nestor Email: bGluYS5uZXN0b3I7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303574 Room: M3116 Therese Nordenberg Therese Nordenberg Position: Study and Research Administrator School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Therese Nordenberg Email: dGhlcmVzZS5ub3JkZW5iZXJnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303343 Room: M3109 Robert Nordmark Robert Nordmark Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Robert Nordmark Email: cm9iZXJ0Lm5vcmRtYXJrO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 706 938280 Room: M211 Anders Nordquist Anders Nordquist Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Anders Nordquist Email: YW5kZXJzLm5vcmRxdWlzdDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 302335 Room: M261 Olle Persson Olle Persson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Olle Persson Email: b2xsZS5wZXJzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303316 Room: M360 Jens Remfeldt Jens Remfeldt Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Jens Remfeldt Email: amVucy5yZW1mZWxkdDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Francesco Savani Francesco Savani Position: Teaching Assistant School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Francesco Savani Email: ZnJhbmNlc2NvLnNhdmFuaTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Simon Schierup Simon Schierup Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Simon Schierup Email: c2ltb24uc2NoaWVydXA7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301054 Room: M3107, M158 Isa Schöier Isa Schöier Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Isa Schöier Email: aXNhLnNjaG9pZXI7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Jan Sparby Jan Sparby Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Jan Sparby Email: amFuLnNwYXJieTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 709 708549 Room: M256 Johanna Ståhl Johanna Ståhl Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Johanna Ståhl Email: am9oYW5uYS5zdGFobDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303345 Room: M3116 Christian Svarfvar Christian Svarfvar Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Christian Svarfvar Email: Y2hyaXN0aWFuLnN2YXJmdmFyO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301013 Room: - Urban Tholén Urban Tholén Position: Study Advisor School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Urban Tholén Email: dXJiYW4udGhvbGVuO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303416 Room: M3105 Jennie Tiderman-Österberg Jennie Tiderman-Österberg Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Jennie Tiderman-Österberg Email: amVubmllLnRpZGVybWFuLW9zdGVyYmVyZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Efraim Törnfeldt Efraim Törnfeldt Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Efraim Törnfeldt Email: ZWZyYWltLnRvcm5mZWxkdDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 302338 Room: M210 Gunilla Törnfeldt Gunilla Törnfeldt Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Gunilla Törnfeldt Email: Z3VuaWxsYS50b3JuZmVsZHQ7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303057 Room: M265 Thomas Törnheden Thomas Törnheden Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Thomas Törnheden Email: dGhvbWFzLnRvcm5oZWRlbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303428 Room: M217 Peter van Tour Peter van Tour Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Peter van Tour Email: cGV0ZXIudmFuLXRvdXI7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302284 Room: M285 Ulrik Volgsten Ulrik Volgsten Position: Professor School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Ulrik Volgsten Email: dWxyaWsudm9sZ3N0ZW47b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303895 Room: M3215 Siri Vågberg Siri Vågberg Position: Teaching Assistant School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Siri Vågberg Email: c2lyaS52YWdiZXJnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Sebastian Vögler Sebastian Vögler Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Sebastian Vögler Email: c2ViYXN0aWFuLnZvZ2xlcjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Johan Wåhlander Johan Wåhlander Position: Teacher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Johan Wåhlander Email: am9oYW4ud2FobGFuZGVyO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Joanna Zienkiewicz Joanna Zienkiewicz Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Joanna Zienkiewicz Email: am9hbm5hLnppZW5raWV3aWN6O29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: - Benedetta Zucconi Benedetta Zucconi Position: Researcher School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Benedetta Zucconi Email: YmVuZWRldHRhLnp1Y2Nvbmk7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Anders Åstrand Anders Åstrand Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Music, Theatre and Art Profile page: Anders Åstrand Email: YW5kZXJzLmFzdHJhbmQ7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: -