I am a supervisor
If you are or aspire to be a supervisor for a doctoral student, this page will provide you with important and helpful information about your assignment.
Every doctoral student must have at least two supervisors, one of which is appointed principal supervisor. The principal supervisor must have at least associate professor competence and be employed at Örebro University. At the Faculty of Medicine and Health, an unpaid associate professor in the medical science field with employment within the Region Örebro County and with an affiliation. However, there is no such requirement for assistant supervisor(s).
At least one of the supervisors must have completed Örebro University's course "Supervising PhD students" or have the equivalent qualifications.
Everyone who is supervising doctoral students at the MH Faculty is required to the National web training "Research Ethics for Researchers in Medicine".
- Riktlinjer för handledning inom utbildning på forskarnivå (only available in Swedish)
- Regulations handbook
- Guidelines for third-cycle courses and study programmes within the Faculty of Medicine and Health (MH)
Do you have a prospective doctoral student?
You will find more information about the application process here.
What does it mean to be a supervisor?
As a supervisor you should provide support and guidance; help them plan their studies in the individual study plan (ISP) with annual follow-ups; and aid the doctoral student’s ability to reach the goals for their education.
You are also expected to:
- Review the doctoral student’s manuscripts and other material
- Recommend doctoral courses and relevant literature
- Teach the doctoral student about research ethics
- Help the doctoral student to network and establish contacts with other national as well as international institutions
- Contribute to the doctoral student’s ability to participate in international conferences
- Prepare the doctoral student for the mid-way review and the act of public defence of their thesis
Please see below for more information about important elements within the doctoral education.
Here you can find contact information to persons involved in doctoral education at the School of Medical Sciences. If you have general questions or are unsure of whom to address, please contact the study and research administration.
Head of subject: Hans Hjelmqvist
Programme Director: Ignacio Rangel
Specialisations coordinator Biomedicine: Allan Sirsjö
Specialisations coordinator Medicine: Katja Fall
Assistant Specialisation coordinator Medicine: Stefan Särnblad
Specialisations coordinator Surgical sciences: Hans Hjelmqvist
Directors of studies: Julia König and Amanj Saber