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School of Medical Sciences

Welcome to doctoral education at the School of Medical Sciences

Doctoral education is the highest level in the Swedish higher education system. There are two types of study programmes - one that ends with a licentiate degree and one that ends with a doctoral degree. The programmes shall develop the knowledge and skills required to be able to undertake autonomous research.

Doctoral education figures from 2024

Enrolled: 219

New admissions: 16

Mid-way reviews: 37

Licentiate seminars: 1

Public defences: 22


The School of Medical Sciences offers doctoral education within the research subject area medical science. Medical science is a comprehensive research subject area in which different causes of health and disease, as well as man’s possibilities and needs to attain and maintain a high degree of wellbeing are studied. Studies in the subject include both basic and applied research, health economic and ethical aspects, as well as medical education. Clinical research constitutes a large part of the medical science.

At the School of Medical Sciences you can choose one of the following specialisations: Biomedicine, Surgical sciences or Medicine.
You can find further information about doctoral education from the Swedish Council for Higher Education here.

Doctoral student introduction programme
You can find information about Örebro University's doctoral student introduction programme, the doctoral student union DokSek, and the current seminar series for our doctoral students here.


Here you can find contact information to persons involved in doctoral education at the School of Medical Sciences. If you have general questions or are unsure of whom to address, please contact the study and research administration.

Subject representative: Hans Hjelmqvist
Programme Director: Ignacio Rangel
Specialisation coordinator Biomedicine: Allan Sirsjö
Specialisation coordinator Medicine: Katja Fall
Assistant Specialisation coordinator Medicine: Stefan Särnblad
Specialisation coordinator Surgical sciences: Hans Hjelmqvist
Directors of studies: Julia König and Amanj Saber