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School of Medical Sciences

Inflammation in Health and Disease

Do you want to know more about infectious diseases and inflammatory disorders and to understand why some individuals develop severe life-threatening conditions, whereas others are only mildly affected?

Many common non-communicable diseases are characterised by an underlying dysregulated inflammatory response and the elective profile Inflammation in Health and Disease will address the inflammation per se, both in health and disease. Your focus of studies will be the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control the activation and modulation the immune system and how inflammatory processes are regulated.

You will deepen your knowledge from year one regarding inflammatory processes by putting your knowledge into a context of both infectious diseases and host defence, as well as processes such as wound healing, cancer immunology and sterile inflammation due to environmental factors. You will obtain both a broad and deep understanding of the implications of inflammatory mechanisms and how they interplay with both health and disease.

The researchers and teachers involved in the profile are active in several big research projects (X-HiDE and NanoSafety among others), bringing the students with them into the research. In addition to personnel at Örebro University, national and international research- and teaching collaborations as well as Life Science companies are involved in the profile making it a prolific and creative environment.