Research projects

Inflammation and prothrombotic responses to platelet activation via the immunoreceptor FCGR2A in myeloproliferative neoplasms

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress



Research subject

Compare prothrombotic responses to platelet FCGR2A stimulations between patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and healthy controls in vitro, using flow cytometry for quantification of receptors and activation markers.

FCGR2A is a receptor most abundant on human platelets, but also present on neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages. It binds IgG immunocomplexes, and is linked to host defense and to problems of inflammation, autoimmunity and thrombosis. Inflammation and increased FCGR2A expression on platelets in patients with MPN could contribute to thrombosis being the most prominent morbidity and mortality risk in these chronic blood malignancies.         

Early results from our research group using flow cytometry have validated increased FCGR2A on platelets from MPN patients, and indicated increased procoagulant response to immune stimulation of the receptor in vitro. Further comparisons of platelet responses to FCGR2A stimulation in MPN patients and healthy controls are warranted, for increased knowledge on roles of inflammation in cardiovascular and neoplastic pathophysiology.    

Status: Ongoing

The project owner is X-HiDE - Örebro University (
