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Research projects

Implementing core values

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2015 - 2016

Research subject

Core values for elderly care were created in a joint action research project between Örebro Municipality and Örebro University. This intervention project is a continuation of the collaboration using experience-based learning to develop a methodology to further implement the core values. In this process, knowledge is created where the learning takes place through transformation of previous experience via reflection. Participants present problematic situations where core value achievement is difficult. Research and theory supporting the core values is used to promote reflection. Practical training is used to develop bodily knowledge, self-knowledge and to enable a shift of power to the older person. Through aesthetic culture, tools to form reciprocal relationships are created. In this process the participants reconstruct problematic situations surrounding core value implementation.


Research funding bodies

  • Örebro Municipality


  • David Edvardsson, Umeå universitet
  • Lisa Arenöö, Addaction Utbildning AB