Address and directions
Campus USÖ is located adjacent to Örebro University Hospital.
Getting here
By train
There are two railway stations in Örebro, and if you arrive by train, you should get off at the main railway station (Örebro Central) with its adjacent travel centre, Resecentrum. You can walk Järnvägsgatan straight east until you reach the University Hospital's main entrance.
By bus
You can get to Campus USÖ with the number 9 bus from Örebro Central/Resecentrum. You can plan your trip and read about tickets here.
In the list below you will find different useful maps like how to find your way to Campus USÖ, if you are looking for a certain room at Campus USÖ or if you are looking for a conference room at the Örebro University Hospital.
- Finding Campus USÖ
- Interactive map of Campus USÖ, you can search on a room number for example
- Navigate in the Örebro University Hospital area (information only available in Swedish)
- Map to find conference rooms and so on at Örebro University Hospital
Contact us
Phone + 46 19 30 30 00 (Main switchboard)
Postal Address
Örebro University
School of Medical Sciences
Campus USÖ
S-701 82 Örebro
Visiting Address
Södra Grev Rosengatan 42 A (west entrance)
Södra Grev Rosengatan 42 B (east entrance)
S-703 62 Örebro
Delivery of goods
Örebro universitet
Södra Grev Rosengatan 50
703 62 Örebro
Invoice Address
Örebro University
Box 1252
701 12 ÖREBRO