Research groups
Children, education and human rights
The research group is interested in pedagogical work with children's human rights in preschool and primary school. The group's research explores how...
Citizen participation, democracy and civic engagement
Contact: Cecilia Arensmeier The focus of this research is primarily citizens in democratic contexts, and on how civic and political knowledge, values...
Civic Education
Civic education is a multidisciplinary research group with its base in the academic disciplines: economics, human geography, political science and sociolog...
Civic engagement and political participation
This theme has a focus on how citizen engagement and political participation develop, are organized and communicated. The theoretical basis is in political...
Critical perspectives on environmental and sustainability education
The research group studies how the education system meets and responds to major societal challenges relating to sustainability, justice and democracy...
Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities
Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities (CSMM) has been a rapidly growing area of research within Feminist Studies and Gender Studies over recent decades...
Discourse, Communication and Media (DCM)
The research group Discourse, Communication and Media’s (DCM) main interest is how discursive and journalistic practices construct different conditions for...
Education of people in vulnerable life situations
The members of the research group focus on education of children, young people, and adults in vulnerable life situations. They may have experienced, e.g....
Environmental Sociology Section
Research within the environmental sociology section at Örebro University focuses environment-society relations. Environmental problems are something that is...
Feminist violence studies
The research team engages with violence and violations from a feminist and intersectional perspective. We situate violence and violations in social, politica...