School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Practical information for the International Symposium on Comparative Didactics (ISCOD)

The conference will be held at Östra Mark on Örebro University campus. You will find information on how to get to Örebro and Örebro University in the Getting here tab in the menu to the left.


We will use a stationary computer to show presentations. Presenters are asked to send Powerpoint presentations they wish to show to administrator Trixie Jaala Thuresson ( on the 9th of January at the latest. We kindly ask that you bring your Powerpoint presentations on a USB flash drive as backup.


You will be staying at the hotel Elite Stora Hotellet. State your name and Örebro University at the reception. Elite Stora Hotellet is a short walk, around 10 minutes, from the main train station Örebro Central station. 

If you are not sure which dates are booked for your accommodation, please contact

Conference bus services

The conference organizers provide a bus which will take you between the hotel Elite Stora Hotellet and Örebro University. Please see the Getting here tab for information about public transportation if you need to travel at other times.

January 11

08.45 – Bus leaves from Elite Stora Hotellet

17.35 – Bus leaves from Östra Mark back to the hotel

January 12

08.30 – Bus leaves from Elite Stora Hotellet

16.05 – Bus leaves from Östra Mark back to the hotel

Conference dinner

The conference dinner will be served on Wednesday January 11 at 19.00 at Slottskällaren restaurant, located in Elite Stora Hotellet.

Internet access at Örebro University

Eduroam wireless network

Students and employees at eduroam-affiliated universities may use the eduroam wireless network at Örebro University.

Eduroam is a collaboration between colleges and universities from around the world. This facilitates the use of one another's wireless networks. Students and employees at eduroam-affiliated universities use their university's username and password to log in to eduroam-affiliated networks. The motto says "Open your laptop and be online".

You will find instructions for connecting to eduroam here.


ORU-public is an open network for our visitors and guests at Örebro University, who do not have an eduroam account via another university, university college or other organisation. No account or password is required to get access to ORU-Public.

1. Connect your computer or mobile device to the Wi-Fi network ORU-public (SSID=ORU-public)

2. Open your web browser

3. Select “Accept and log in”