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Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science


The meal is a human social phenomenon, and as such one of the most essential in life. With research across disciplines, our quest is not limited to hard knowledge.

We seek to gain a social and cultural understanding of the significance of eating, taste, staff attitudes and management within the hospitality and public sectors from a sustainability perspective. An interdisciplinary field, culinary arts and meal science has collaborations within the humanities as well as within both social and natural sciences, integrated with an understanding of the practical craft and aesthetics that goes into the meal.

A woman wearing VR glasses.

Research projects

A list of research projects.

Two esearchers.

Research groups

A list of Research groups.

Head of Subject

Åsa Öström

Åsa Öström Position: Professor School/office: School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

Profile page: Åsa Öström

Email: YXNhLm9zdHJvbTtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 302011

Room: K1107

Åsa Öström

Groundbreaking research project