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Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science


In these programmes great emphasis is put on practical skills, aiming to combine these with science as well as with working methods with aesthetics and creativity in focus. We study the meal/hospitality from a five aspect viewpoint with the following main five aspects: the room, the meeting, the product, the control management system and the atmosphere. This model is called: Five Aspects Meal Model (FAMM).

During the course of our education endeavours the students can be graduated in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Science, Bachelor Degree (B.A) 180 ECTS. 

For information about courses in english, please turn to the school.


Linda Broman Strohmaier

Linda Broman Strohmaier Position: Study and Research Administrator School/office: School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

Profile page: Linda Broman Strohmaier

Email: bGluZGEuYnJvbWFuLXN0cm9obWFpZXI7b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 302003

Room: K1102b

Linda Broman Strohmaier