This page in Swedish

Research projects

National survey of musculoskeletal pain and overuse symptoms in people with dysmelia or acquired arm amputation

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2024 - 2026


Cathrine Widehammar


Cartoon people with dysemelia or amputation wearing prosthetics.

The project purpose is to form a national collaboration to treat musculoskeletal pain and overuse symptoms in upper limb (UL) amputees. The project aims to (i) map and perform a comprehensive characterization of musculoskeletal pain and overuse symptoms, (ii) develop a treatment protocol. Studies from other countries show that a significant portion of amputees suffer from musculoskeletal pain and overuse symptoms. However, there is no Swedish reliable data that reports the number of amputees suffering from musculoskeletal pain and overuse injury. Furthermore, there is limited knowledge regarding the cause of musculoskeletal pain, although compensatory movements and inadequate use of the prosthesis are common clinical observations. By characterizing compensatory movements and prosthesis use and use the data to develop a treatment protocol, we may reduce musculoskeletal pain and overuse injury. This 2-year project includes all the four UL prosthetic clinics in Sweden. In the 1 year, we will ask all amputees to answer a digital survey about pain (musculoskeletal and phantom limb), UL symptoms, occupational performance, and patient characteristic data. In the 2 year, 4-6 persons will be recruited to measure compensatory movements and muscle activity during clinical tests with prosthesis. Movement and muscle activity data will be recorded using 3D-motor capture and electromyography. The data will be used to develop a treatment protocol, that may be used in national guidelines. 

Logos for Region Örebro county, Region Skåne, Sahlgrenska University hospital and Aktiv ortopedteknik.

Research funding bodies

  • Swedish Research Council
  • Örebro University


  • Aktiv Ortopedteknik, Region Stockholm
  • Region Skåne
  • Region Västra Götaland, Region Västra Götaland
  • Region Örebro län
  • Svensk Dysmeliförening
  • Ulrika Wijk, Lunds universitet