Research projects
Frequent users within the ambulance services (FRAM)
The project study frequent users within the ambulance services, their needs and how the health care services can provide sufficient care for those persons. A...
Good and safe care for elderly persons treated with a catheter in the urinary bladder
Indwelling urethral catheters are a common treatment among elderly persons in the emergency care as well as in elderly care. Approximately eight percent of t...
Health-promoting sports clubs (HPSC)
The research area has its origin in the WHO (1986) Ottawa charter stating that "Health is created and lived by people within the settings of their everyday...
Healthy and sustainable work environment for nurses in Swedish health and medical care
The purpose of this project is to investigate what constitutes a healthy and sustainable work environment for nurses in Swedish healthcare. The project's foc...
Hearing loss in the working life - a salutogenic perspective
The aim of the current project is to identify health factors, or salutogenic factors, that contribute to a sustainable working life (i.e. to be established a...
Hearing-related risk-taking among children and adolescents
The aim of the research is to investigate children's and adolescents' attitudes toward noise and loud music and their listening habits during concerts...
How crooked do I really see? Subjective and objective improvement after epiretinal membrane surgery.
Epiretinal membrane (ERM), is a visual disorder that mainly affects the elderly population. Symptoms of an epiretinal membrane include decreased visual acuit...
How different types of hypoxia affect neuromuscular markers, metabolic stress and associated mechanisms during a 8 weeks hypertrophy strength training
The main objective of this study is to compare the functional (maximum strength and muscular power), physiological (neuromuscular adaptations and variables...
Human papillomavirus, biological and prognostic markers in primary vaginal and vulvar cancer
Vaginal and vulvar cancer are rare gynaecological malignancies. In Sweden, about 200 women are affected each year. Due to the low number of cases, few resear...
Human papillomavirus, gene variation and protein expression as prognostic markers for metastasizing penile cancer
Cancer affects men and women in all ages and mortality is strongly connected to spread of tumor cells to more organs. Infections, such as human papillomaviru...