Research groups
Feminist violence studies
The research team engages with violence and violations from a feminist and intersectional perspective. We situate violence and violations in social, politica...
FlickForsk! Nordic Network for Girlhood Studies
FlickForsk! is a multidisciplinary network that aims to gather and develop Nordic girls' research by creating meeting places and collaboration opportunities...
Globalisation, migration and social cohesion (GLOMISCO)
The research group has its focus on social work in a globalized world where the global, international, and transnational context of social work is considered...
Honour, Violence and Society
HeVoS is an interdisciplinary research team with roots in Social Work, Sociology and Gender Studies. The team explores the multiple forms, expressions...
Interaction and Learning in Higher Education Pedagogy Practice (ILHP)
The research group operates across the university by including and bringing together researchers who share an interest in research and development within...
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
The field of jurisprudence or legal theory is important for law as a topic in general and has also been given generous space within the legal education at...
JuVås conducts research on violence in a primarily jurisprudential, legal context, including violence against the environment and violence and irregular...
Migration, Integration, Discrimination (MIND)
Millions of people leave their country of birth every year, because of war and conflict, economic strain and poverty, natural disaster, political or religiou...
POCSUS: Psychology of Climate change and Sustainability
POCSUS is a part of CESSS (Center for Environmental and Sustainability Social Science). The group contains of researchers in psychology who are interested in...
Procedural Law Research
The research at Örebro University on procedural law - including criminal, civil and administrative proceedings - could be characterized as having strong...