Research projects
Implementation of IPS within the psychosis care
According to the 26th paragraph of the UN:s convention on the right of persons with disabilities, access to a sustainable work is a right. However, for peopl...
Interventions to prevent sleep problems in youth: Sleeping well in a modern society
This is one project in the FORMAS research program (Processes that buffer against youth mental health problems) on the development of health in youth. We are...
Investigating Digital Rights in Palestine: The Constitutional Court?s Interpretation of the Basic Law
The purpose of this project is to establish a research network among Swedish and Palestinian scholars/practitioners. This research, in a Swedish-Palestinian...
Legal Principles
Ph D student: Elisabeth Aronsson Supervisor: Professor Eleonor Kristoffersson. Assistant supervisor: Docent Max Lyles.
Loans and transfers of value in international insolvency situations
Karin Blad's research is focused on the legal mobility of companies within the European Union and the regulatory framework for companies already in, or in th...
Member States' Constitutions and EU Integration
Project Leader: Senior Scientist Roman Puff, University of Salzburg, Austria. Financier: European Commission. There is an evident tension between the...
Mental health and sick leave from a life course perspective - mapping trajectories from childhood to retirement age (IDA Work project)
Chronic lifespan problems such as mental health problems and recurrent pain tend to interfere with an individual’s engagement in working life. But there are...
Metacognitive therapy for insomnia: A pilot study
Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, affects many in the society and contributes to both mental and physical ill health. To treat insomnia, cognitive...
Minority joy and minority stress in transgender people: An intervention study
Transgender and gender non-conforming people (TGNC) have a higher risk of ill health, which is explained by minority stress. Minority stress is experienced...
Modern criminal proceedings
Information only available in Swedish.