Abstract Guidelines
Contribute to the conference by submitting abstracts for:
A symposium
A symposium is a topical session that is organized by one or more individuals/chairs. A symposium includes two or three presentations and a discussant (option 1) or three or four presentations without a discussant (option 2). All papers should be related to the topic of the symposium. The length of a symposium is 60-90 minutes. There should be approximately 15-20 minutes for a general discussion. The abstract for a symposium should include an integrative statement and a brief summary of each paper. The abstract should be as informative as possible. The abstract should include the title of the symposium, the name of the chair/chairs, and his/her/their affiliation. For each paper, authors, presenting authors, affiliations, and title of the presentation should be mentioned. A reference list is not required. The total length of the abstract should not exceed 800 words.
A workshop
A workshop is an interactive session with clear educational and practical components. It typically involves demonstration and hands-on instruction on a particular practice, program, methodology, or skill. It gives ample opportunities for participant activity and discussions. The length of a workshop is 60-90 minutes. The abstract for a workshop should include the rationale and outline for the workshop as well as the specific learning objectives. The abstract should be as informative as possible. The abstract should include the title of the workshop, the name of the chair/chairs, and his/her/their affiliation. A reference list is not required. The total length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
An individual paper
Individual paper presentations are oral presentations that are grouped together by the Organizing Committee into symposia of three to four papers. An individual paper presentation is 15 minutes. There will be approximately 15-20 minutes for a general discussion at the end of the symposium. The abstract should include a summary of the presentation and be as informative as possible. For research presentations, abstracts need to include the research question, a description of methods, results, and a brief discussion including implications for practice/policy. A reference list is not required. The total length of the abstract should not exceed 200 words.
A poster
Presenters will be expected to be in attendance during the poster exhibition to discuss their poster with conference participants. The abstract should include a summary of the presentation and be as informative as possible. For research presentations, abstracts need to include the research question, a description of methods, results, and a brief discussion including implications for practice/policy. A reference list is not required. The total length of the abstract should not exceed 200 words. The poster size is A0 (841x1189mm).
Number of abstracts
Individuals may co-author any number of abstracts but may not submit more than two as presenting author.
Abstracts must be submitted online by February 7, 2017. The online submission form closes after this date. This deadline applies to all types of abstracts.
Abstract review and notifications
The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts. Presentations related to the conference theme will be prioritized. Notifications about acceptance decisions will be e-mailed to the submitting author by February 28, 2017.
Scientific Program on USB
All accepted abstracts will appear in the conference program and on a memory stick, as they were in the abstract submission form. Changes in the abstracts after submission is not allowed. All presenters must register by March 31 to ensure publication of their abstract and a place in the Final Program.
Proposals for participation
Proposals for participation in the 2017 ENSEC Conference can be submitted in the following formats:
- Paper (full paper or work-in-progress)
- Symposium or Panel Presentation
- Workshop
- Poster
Important Deadlines
- Call for papers - open until 7 February, 2017
- Notification of acceptance - 28 February, 2017
- Registration - open until 30 April, 2017
All presenters must register before 31 March in order for the abstract to be entered in the program
Note: If the ship gets full before registration closes we will not be able to accept registrations after that time point.