Economics and Statistics Spring 2025
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2025-01-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2025-01-23 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065/ |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Title: A Tall Tale? Driver Height and Traffic Fatalities Speaker: Daniela Andrén, Örebro University. Co-authors: Luca Bossi (University of Pennsylvania) & Gulcin Gumus (Florida Atlantic University and IZA). Join Zoom Meeting: |
2025-01-30 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2025-02-06 | 13.15-14.30 | L151 |
Introduction to Macrobond |
2025-02-13 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
Gemensamt seminarium med Humanistiska studier Gabriel Stein, Stein Brothers ”One Money – Two Values: Riksdaler Riksgälds and Riksdaler Banco in Sweden 1789-1803”
2025-02-26 | 13.30 | L142 |
Licentiatseminarium Daniel Lind "The China effect on the productivity in Nordic countries" Opponent: Fredrik Sjöholm, professor, Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN) |
2025-02-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Petra Ornstein |
2025-03-06 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2025-03-13 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2025-03-14 | 13.30-16.30 | N4065 |
Slutseminarium Alexandra Allard "Allard - Blue economy dynamics - Are maritime sectors different" "Allard Bergman - Fishing quotas and decision-making in the EU" "Allard & Nilsson - The effect of wind turbines on property values" "Allard - Lobbying for depletion" Opponent: Johan Blomquist, SLU |
2025-03-20 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Adam Farago, University of Gothenburg "Analysts Are Good at Ranking Stocks" |
2025-03-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2025-04-03 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Hyunjoo Kim Karlsson, Linnéuniversitetet |
2025-04-10 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2025-04-24 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Kristofer Månsson, Jönköping International Business School |
2025-05-08 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Sara Olofsson, IHE "Värdet av minskad risk för icke-dödliga skador i vägtrafiken - Utveckling och tillämpning av innovativa, generaliserbara modeller med förankring i ekonomisk teori" |
2025-05-15 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Mark Pennington, King's College London “The Political Economy of the Missionary State: A Foucauldian Analysis” |
2025-05-22 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | *EFGI
2025-06-05 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2025-06-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Martin Axelsson och Katja Olofsson, SCB |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2025
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2025-08-21 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2025-08-28 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2025-09-04 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 | |
2025-09-11 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2025-09-18 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2025-09-25 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2025-10-02 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2025-10-09 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2025-10-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2025-10-23 |
13.30-14.30 |
N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2025-11-06 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2025-11-13 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2025-11-20 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2025-11-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2025-12-04 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2025-12-11 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
For queries regarding Economics, please contact: Magnus Lodefalk |
For queries regarding Statistics, please contact: Sune Karlsson |