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Research projects

Reducing the discharge of microplastics into source waters - source tracking and identifying targeted mitigation measures

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2022 - 2025


Anna Rotander

Research subject

Research environments

This project aims to gain knowledge that will enable more targeted measures to reduce the release of microplastics to the aquatic environment from land-based sources, focusing on stormwater and wastewater. Studies of freshwater environments are still rather few in number, which is quite remarkable given the importance of rivers and smaller watercourses as transporters of microplastics to lakes and oceans. The goal is to increase knowledge about the importance of different sources for the release and spread of microplastics. The hope is that the results from this project can be used as a basis for decisions on action programs for microplastics, and contribute to focusing society's resources on the activities that can most effectively slow the leakage of microplastics into the environment.

Research groups

Research funding bodies

  • The Swedish Research Council Formas
