Örebro University School of Business


A limited number of rooms for conference participants have been prebooked at Elite Stora Hotellet.

Hotel contact details

Email: centralreservation@elite.se

Phone: 019-156990

Booking information

You need to contact the hotel to book by calling 019-156990 and providing booking code finecon2019. The bookings must be guaranteed with a debit card number and validity date. 

If you want to request payment against invoice, a written document with invoice data must be sent to the hotel no later than one week before arrival to reservations.orebro@elite.se. The invoice data must include invoice address,
possible labelling and organisation number.

The rooms are bookable until October 13, 2019. After that, rooms can be booked if there are any available left.

Check in at the earliest at 15.00 on the day of arrival.