Örebro University School of Business

Early Career Initiative August 23

NFF Early Career Initiative (ECI)

Paper Development Workshop (PDW)

NFF 2022 Örebro Pre-conference event will be held on 23rd of August!


The NFF Early Career Initiative has the vision to establish a forum and collaboration platform for earlier career scholars from Nordic business schools and universities that offer management education.

In line with the conference theme ‘Bringing research together’, the goal of the NFF-ECI-PDW is to bring early career scholars together to share ideas, build up professional networks, and academically socialize with a view to strengthen possibilities of research cooperation and involvement in the NFF community. Thus, researchers interested to attend the workshop are expected to submit their work-in-progress papers in advance and participate actively in providing feedback and comments.

Different from the traditional PDW the structure will be in more general terms and aimed at helping out on making scholarly contributions since it will not be linked to any specific business research field/ theory/ research methodology.

We thereby look forward to fostering and strengthening the Nordic network research cooperation by facilitating the exchange of earlier academic researchers between the Nordic business schools.

Target group

The PDW is targeted towards early career scholars e.g., assistant professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, etc.) who have obtained their Ph.D. in the last 0-5 years (excluding maternity leave, illness, or career break). Thus, if you are interested in presenting your paper and receiving relevant feedback, we cordially invite you to submit your paper and register for the NFF-ECI-PDW 2022.  


Professor John P. Ulhoi from Aarhus University will take part in the workshop. He is editor-in-chief at the Scandinavian Journal of Management. He also has participated as a discussant in several international workshops dedicated to earlier career researchers and has taught doctoral courses on ‘how to publish your research and on ‘how to make a scholarly contribution’. Furthermore, a faculty of scholars together with Professor Ulhoi will provide support and feedback, share their experiences, and engage actively in the discussions. The workshop will be coordinated by Senior Lecturer Dr. Emilene Leite. 

Costs and Fees

In addition to the main conference fee, there is no extra cost to participate in the Early Career Workshop. 

Deadline: June 15, 2022

To apply for the workshop researchers must submit a paper to Emilene Leite, the workshop coordinator at Emilene.leite@oru.se stating ‘Early Career Workshop” in the subject of the email. There are no specific writing guidelines or templates for the paper. Notification of acceptance of the paper will be made by early June 2022. Researchers who want to participate in the workshop are encouraged to attend the main NFF conference. 

Contact Early Career Initiative

Emilene Leite

Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: Örebro University School of Business

Profile page: Emilene Leite

Email: ZW1pbGVuZS5sZWl0ZTtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 302464

Room: N3021

Emilene Leite