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Do you need help with your research data?

Photo of a laptop.

If you need support or have questions about data management or a data management plan, contact the Research Data Advisor for your faculty.

We are readily available to come out and talk to research groups, subject groups and schools about data management, documentation, making research data available, and data management plan.

Research data advisors are available for all faculties at Örebro University. They provide information and connection to services the University offers regarding data management. Research data advisors can give information and feedback on data management plans, data handling procedures, collaboration with others outside the university and archiving a project. They should preferably be contacted before or at the start of each project but can offer advice regardless of where in the research process a certain project is.

The Data Management Plan (DMP) is the first vital step of planning data management in your project. In the DMP you describe what research data is to be collected, how it will be securely stored and backed up, as well as any legal and ethical aspects that need to be addressed, and long-term preservation.

Read more about Data management plan components

Research Drive is an internal data storage environment for ongoing research projects with a specific start and end date. The storage environment allows researchers to store research information with different levels of confidentiality and work as well as collaborate within a designated project folder. The entire storage environment is protected by strong secure, and time-limited permission and access.
To request a folder for your project on Research Drive, contact your Data Manager or Research Data Advisor.

Contact details for Research Data Advisor/Data Manager is found at the bottom of the page.

It is important to consider archiving at the start of the project and during the project. Planning can make sure material is archived in a structured way, as well as reduce extra time and work at the end of the project.

Read more about archiving of research material (on the intranet Inforum and in Swedish)

For information on what material should be archived and how, read the routine description. For support in English contact research data advisor/Data manager.

Risk assessment is an advisory tool and therefore, to make it useful, kept simple. Basic assumptions and common sense will do. Identify the risk and start with reducing the high risks by either lowering the probability that they will occur OR the consequences if they do occur. Low risks should be accepted, and it is okay to leave them without actions. 

Read more about risk assessment (link to the intranet Inforum in Swedish) 

For all ongoing research that handles personal data (regardless of funding), information on how that data is handled must be registered with the University. The responsible researcher can register this information by completing the GDPR form.  

For more information on GDPR click here.

When research involves collecting data from identifiable persons the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) dictates that these persons are to be informed about the processing of their data. This is to be done both when the person is directly identifiable in the data and when backward identification is possible. There are some exemptions, read more about this and support in fulfilling this responsibility at the Research Support page on "Information about a project to research participants”.

Other Tips and Resources

Read about Data storage (link to the intranet Inforum)

Often in projects agreements are needed between external researchers, institutions, or companies. In order to get any agreements, set up properly and in time, it is important to contact the legal office well in advance. For more information on agreements click here.

You can reach the legal counsels for help with this by filling out the form "Avtalsformuläret".

For other legal advice contact

Research Data Advisor for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Tara Linden

Tara Linden Position: Research Data Advisor School/office: Faculty Office

Profile page: Tara Linden

Email: dGFyYS5saW5kZW47b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 302396

Room: E3204

Research Data Advisor for the Faculty of Business, Science and Engineering

Erika Tegström

Erika Tegström Position: Research Data Advisor School/office: Örebro University School of Business

Profile page: Erika Tegström

Email: ZXJpa2EudGVnc3Ryb207b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 303757

Room: N3028

Erika Tegström

Research Data Advisor for the Faculty of Medicine and Health

Marleen Lentjes

Marleen Lentjes Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Medical Sciences

Profile page: Marleen Lentjes

Email: bWFyaWEubGVudGplcztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303932

Room: X4305

Marleen Lentjes

Research Data Administrator for the Faculty of Medicine and Heatlh

Niloofar Nickaeen

Niloofar Nickaeen Position: Research Data Administrator School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT

Profile page: Niloofar Nickaeen

Email: bmlsb29mYXIubmlja2FlZW47b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 302327

Room: X2215

Niloofar Nickaeen