Data management plan components

The data management plan consists of seven components. Here you describe comprehensively what research data is to be collected, documentation and data quality.
In the data management plan, you describe how you store and securely backup, the legal and ethical aspects, and how your research data is made available and how long-term preservation is secured. You describe who is responsible for the various parts and what resources are needed.
This guide is based on the Swedish Research Council and the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions guidelines, describing how a data management plan should be prepared. In addition, in 2022, the Research Council released guidance to the data management plan template to guide and be a complement to easier understanding of the questions in the template. However, this guidance has only been released in Swedish.
Below are brief descriptions with links to the Swedish National Data Service’s more comprehensive descriptions of the following areas. Also, Örebro University’s own templates that you can use to write your data management plan in Swedish and English.