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Strategic support: Prio Research

Prio Research is a framework for discussions where a group’s strengths and assets are inventoried to find strengths, opportunities for improvements and routines. Defining a vision and goals for the group lays the foundation for strategies and activities to enable efficient work ahead.

The point is to create conditions where the research goals for the group can be reaches and where resources and time can be focused on the research. The discussion is distributed over a number of modules where the whole group meet with guidance of the Grants Office. The group also works on specific assignments in between the modules. This method gives the focus to work efficient and purposefully.

By defining a vision and an idea of the future and by analyzing the starting point – the present – finding a strategy to fill with activities aimed at that future will be easier.

Grants Office guides the group through the meetings and analyzes the results between the sessions. The results can be of use both in a larger context and in the daily work.

Contact your research advisor for an introduction to Prio Research.

Prio Research has previously been called Grants for Goals.