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Import information to DiVA from another database

Importing information about a publication from an established database, rather than registering all data manually, considerably reduces the risk of typos and other errors.

Before import

Search Örebro’s DiVA for your publications to check if they have already been registered. Registration may have been done by the library, a co-author, or you may have registered them yourself at an earlier time.

Already registered: Edit the existing post if you want to change or add details. To do this, log onto DiVA using your ORU account. If you cannot edit the post, contact the DiVA administrators on

Not registered: Register the publication manually or import the record from a database where it is available.


1. Find and export your publications

File formats and may differ between different databases. Below are instruction for the most common databases:

  • Search in the other university’s DiVA and select the posts you want to import.
  • Click on Export to the left, above the result list. Select the format Mods.
  • Search in Web of Science and select the posts you want to import.
  • Click on Export, select RIS (other reference software) above the result list.
  • Select Record Content: Full Record
  • Click on Export.
  • Search in Scopus and select the posts you want to import.
  • Click on Export to the left, above the result list.
  • Select RIS Format and Citation information, Bibliographical information and Abstract & keywords. All the boxes below these headings will then be checked.
  • Click on Export.
  • Search in PubMed and select the posts you want to import.
  • Copy the PubMedID (PMID) which is found in the bottom line of the selected post in the result list (numbers only). Go to step 3 in this guide.
  • Search in IEEE and select the posts you want to import.
  • Click on Export and then Citations to the right, above the result list.
  • Select Format: RIS and Include: Citation & Abstract.
  • Click on Export.


2. Save the file.

You will find it in the folder Downloads/Hämtade filer on your computer.

3. Log onto Örebro University’s DiVA

Use your ORU account.

4. Click on Import references


5. Click on Import from external databases


6. Choose format

  • Another DiVA – MODS V3
  • Web of Science – ISI
  • Scopus – RIS
  • PubMed –Enter PMID in the box and click on Import
  • IEEE – RIS

Click on Choose File to find the file you saved in step 2.

Click on Import.

7. Confirm

Once the import is complete, you will get a message that the file upload was successful. Click on Import.

8. Review

The imported posts will be displayed in a list. Open up each post to review the record and add information.

All imported posts should be checked/edited as follows:

  • Check that the post has been given the correct publication type (Article in journal, conference papers, etc.).
  • Use Connect authority record to find authors already registered in Örebros’ University’s DiVA.
  • Add/edit Local User Id (ORU account) for all authors connected to Örebro University.
  • Add organisational affiliation for all Örebro University authors. It must be the same as indicated in the publication.
  • Add full name as indicated by initials for all authors connected to Örebro University.
  • Check Content type (peer reviewed, other scientific, other).
  • Choose National subject category (click on the plus sign to open up the hierarchy).
  • Add any external research funder.

9. Submit

When you have reviewed the information, click Continue. You will be forwarded to a new page, where you click Continue again. On the next page, click Send. The post will now show up in DiVA and on your profile page on the university's webpage.