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Publishing agreement: Wiley

Corresponding authors at Örebro University are eligible to publish open access at no cost in Wiley journals.

Open access publication charges are covered for the publisher’s hybrid journals (Wiley Online Open) and full open access journals (Wiley Open Access)

Author instructions

In order for the publisher to correctly identify you as an eligible author, please use your institutional email address ( when submitting your article.

There are some variations depending on the journal type:

Hybrid journals (Wiley Online Open)

When your article has been accepted you will receive an email containing information that the article can be published open access under the agreement.

Instructions for hybrid journals can be found on the publisher's website. Please refer to the PDF file "How to publish in a hybrid open access journal".

You will also be required to choose a Creative Commons license for your article. Instructions for choosing your Creative Commons license is available on the publisher's Author Services site.

The University Library will be automatically notified to verify the author’s affiliation to Örebro University.

Full open access journals

When submitting an article to a full open access journal, you will have to enter a code to publish under the agreement. On the Author Services platform, click "Account Code Tool" and search for Örebro universitet. Copy the code, and enter it under "Who will pay".

Next, the University Library will verify your affiliation to the University.

When the article is accepted you will be asked to sign a license agreement. No further payment steps are necessary.

Further instructions for full open access journals are available on the publisher's website. Please refer to the PDF file "How to publish in a fully open access journal".

Publication types

All primary research and review articles qualify. Other article types, e.g. letters, editorials etc. are excluded.

Charges not covered

Other charges, for example color charges and page charges, are not covered by the agreement.

Further information

If you have any questions about the agreement or publishing process, please contact the University Library at